





Columbus: It was like if he got a taste of that comforting childhood treat, the world would become innocent, and everything would return to normal.

Columbus: Tallahassee believes you have to blow off steam in Zombieland or else you lose what's left of your mind. If it makes him happy and keeps him from using that crowbar on me, then I say, "Hey, go ape shit!"


ウィチタとリトルロックは年が離れた姉妹だが、ただの姉妹ではなく詐欺師の姉妹である。"Trust no one. Just you and me." を合い言葉に生き延びてきた姉妹はおそろしく狡猾だったので、コロンバスとタラハシは何度もダマされる。そうこうやってるうちに、この4人のあいだに奇妙な連帯感がわいてくる。



Tallahassee: You're like a penguin on the North Pole, who hears the South Pole is really nice this time of year.
Columbus: There're no penguins on the North Pole.
Tallahassee: You wanna feel how hard I can punch?

ウィチタとリトルロックはLAにある遊園地、Pacific Playlandに行くという。なぜなら「そこはゾンビがいないから」というんだが、これはまだ12歳であるリトルロックを安心させるために姉ウィチタがおとぎ話を聞かせてやっているような調子(リトルロック本人は "Twelve's the new twenty!" なんてかわいい台詞をいってましたけど)。とりあえずいってみよ的なダラダラノリは、道ばたに死体がゴロゴロしているという点を除けば楽しげなロードムービーです。



4名はお葬式をやったあとも屋敷に居座って遊び続けるが、そのうちコロンバスはウィチタとロマンチックなムードになる。彼は「やっとおれにも春がきた」とわくわくしたが、翌朝になったら姉妹は消えていた。ゆきずりの男と恋仲になってしまうというのは、"Trust no one. Just you and me." の信条に反するからである。姉妹は男2人を捨て、勝手に遊園地にいく。

姉妹は遊園地で遊びまくるが、ゾンビがウジャーと出てきてピンチになる。そこに2人の男たちが登場!Time to nut up or shut up! おきまりの格闘アクションののちに、女の子たちを助けました。最後までTwinkieに執着するタラハシは遊園地にもそれがないと知って悲しんだが、リトルロックがハイヨと投げてくれたんでごきげんになる。4人は家族のようになる。ハッピーエンド。



Tallahassee: Finally got to first base. Not bad for that scrawny little spit-fuck.


Columbus: That face? That's me realizing that those smart girls in that big black truck, and that big guy in that snakeskin jacket, they were the closest to something I'd always wanted, but never really had. A family. I trusted them and they trusted me. Rule number 32, Enjoy the little things, Tallahassee got his Twinkie. And even though life would never be simple or innocent again, as he savored that spongy, yellow log of cream, we hd hope. We had each other. And without other people, well, you might as well as a zombie.




RULE #1: Cardio
RULE #2: Double Tap
RULE #3: Beware Of Bathrooms
RULE #4: Seatbelts
RULE #6: Use a Skillet
RULE #7: Travel Light
RULE #31 Check The Back Seat
RULE #18 Limber Up
RULE #22: When in doubt, know your way out
RULE #32 Enjoy the little things
RULE #17: Don't Be A Hero


#17の "Don't Be A Hero" は映画のラストシーンで変更されます。"Be A Hero" になる。


winner of the Zombie Kill of the Week(今週のゾンビを殺した数一等賞)に選ばれたMiss Cynthia Knickerbockerですが、Facebookのアカウントがありました↓

Facebook - Miss Cynthia Knickerbocker


Columbus: Bevery, Beverly Hills.

Tallahassee: Believe it or not, Twinkies have an expiration date. Someday very soon, life's little Twinkie gage is gonna go empty. Time to nut up or shut up!

Columbus: You're scarely happy!

Columbus: I hate to give credit to anyone who looks like Yosemite Sam.

Columbus: I'm really sorry. She was like a crouching tiger.
Tallahassee: You got taken hostage by a twelve year old?
Columbus: Girls mature faster than boys. She's way ahead of where I was at that age.
Little Rock: Twelve's the new twenty! Gun, please.
Tallahassee: Like you would ever use that thing.
(Little Rock's gun shot!)
Tallahassee: Don't kill me with my own gun!

Columbus: It's amazing how far you can get with some costume jewelry and a cutthroat attitude. I guess we're just lucky they didn't leave us by the side of the road.

Columbus: We don't have enough problems? "They stole my Hummer. We have trust issues." Get over it! We can't just fucking drive down the road, playing I Spy or some shit for hours like four normal-ass Americans? Fuck me!

Tallahassee: Good luck now, Petunia.

Tallahassee: It's okay, but FYI, I beat wholesale ass for a lot less than that.
Columbus: I'm sure.
Tallahassee: You get 45 percent power.
Columbus: Thank you.

Tallahassee: You don't know who Willie Nelson is?
Little Rock: No.
Tallahassee: Willie Nelson.
Little Rock: Yeah, no, I don't.

Little Rock: She's only famous when she's Hannah Montana, when she is wearing the wig.

Tallahassee: What exactly you think we're doing in 90210, Sally?

Little Rock: Wait. Who's Bill Murray?
Tallahassee: Hey, I've never hit a kid before. Alright? I mean, that's like asking who Gandhi is.
Little Rock: Who's Gandhi?

Wichita: It was just that you look remarkably like Eddie Van halen.

Little Rock: So do you have any regrets?
Bill Murray: Garfield, maybe.
Wichita: (giggle) I'm sorry, he just gets me. But it still is sad.

Tallahassee: I haven't cried like that since Titanic.

Columbus: Frightening as Anaconda.

Columbus: You're like a giant cock-blocking robot like developed in a secret fucking government lab.

Columbus: I'm going after Wichita.
Tallahassee: Look, you ever read that book "She's Just Not That Into You"? You can't make yourself too available.
Columbus: I don't care, all right? I wanna be with her! Have fun in Mexico.
Tallahassee: That'll do, pig.

Tallahassee: Hop in the car, Evel Knievel.

Little Rock: Not as fun as I remember.

Tallahassee: Time to nut up or shut up!
