2016/3/21 (Mon) at 12:01 pm

ONE WEEK! A LUCHAGORE EASTER is Gonna be Premiered on CryptTV! The Poster Made by Daiju Kurabayashi + Hiro Fujii!

We made it!

The poster of A LUCHAGORE EASTER has been out today! The poster made by us! Wow! Can you believe that?

Please Take A LOOK!

Illustration by Daiju Kurabayashi
Design by Hiro Fujii

A LUCHAGORE EASTER / ルチャゴア・イースター

A LUCHAGORE EASTER / ルチャゴア・イースター(for Instagram)

Daiju Kurabayshi who is a Japanese indie comic artist drew the illustration. And I Hiro Fujii colored/designed it. We are so much proud of ourselves. Tons of thanks to Gigi Saul Guerrero for using our artwork. It is defnitely huge for us.

How Did We Achieve it?

Not only honored and huge, it was a quite interesting job to do for us as the visual communicators. What Gigi asked us was like this:

Gigi “Read the script and draw the egg. Only egg. You should not draw any monster or the Easter Bunny. Egg is our main and ONLY visual to show people. It should be disgusting and gross.”

We couldn't draw any monster or screaming girls. We never saw any photo or footage. We just read the script written by Shane McKenzie to create the poster. We needed to create the bloody gory graphic by drawing one piece of egg. Sounds challenging, doesn't it?

However it wasn't difficult at all. It was furtunate for us, Shane's script instantly inspired us and lead us to create what we did. It was so fluent process. It functioned to our brain as if kids are listening their favorite bedtime story. We love his writing. It was so much fun to do our part. Hope people enjoy our artwork.

Working with Gigi is amazingly creative. We frequently asked her advice when needed. Her suggestions were all solid and quick, which always made our eyes open, gave us another perspective and even made us feel relaxed. We felt no pressure at all during the process. We can see how talented she is as the director. We are luckly.

Kelowna Fan Xpo

Seeing people are enjoying our artwork is an amazing experience! Nothing better than that. We wish we could be there! Have fun guys!

We hope to be at many conventions in the future!!! Our table is looking fancy at Kelowna Fan Xpo today!!Come get your #Luchagore SWAG!!#KFX #Luchagore4Life #FanExpo #SpecialGuests

Posted by Luchagore Productions on Saturday, March 19, 2016

A LUCHAGORE EASTER is coming very soon from CryptTV! We cannot wait to see! Let's applause it!

Thank you!

- Daiju Kurabayashi (comic artsit / illustrator)
- Hiro Fujii (comic producer / designer)

Japanese article availabe here. この記事の日本語版はこちら↓




ルチャゴア(Luchagore Productions)関連

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