2015/5/24 (Sun) at 2:56 pm

映画|ムカデ人間3|The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence)

ムカデ人間 (2009)』『ムカデ人間2 (2011)』に続く完結編PART3。今度は500人連結。ディーター・ラーザーローレンス・R・ハーヴィーエリック・ロバーツロバート・ラサードブリー・オルソン。監督トム・シックス。2015年。

ムカデ人間3 / The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) DVDDVD画像








こんなビル・ボスの下で働く者たちにとっては、毎日がサバイバルであることは想像に難くない。ドゥワイト(ローレンス・R・ハーヴィー)は有能な経理担当者であり、ビル・ボスの片腕を自認するが、常にボスの顔色をうかがい、怖れている。ずんぐりチビデブの体躯にチョビヒゲハゲの男は『ムカデ人間 (2009)』『ムカデ人間2 (2011)』の熱烈ファンであり、トム・シックスに心酔している。








Bill Boss: Fuck the sissy psychological leadership bullshit! My leadership balls are atom bombs! A 100 megatons each!



Bill Boss: Guantanamo Style XXL!



Akihiro Kitamura: This trash occupies a world where the stars don't shine!

これはRoger Ebertがかつて書いたレビューへのオマージュと思われ。この中に同じlineがある↓





シックス監督は自分の映画のアイデアがアメリカの刑務所で採用されると聞いて喜ぶ。元々の話、シックス監督はペド犯罪者のニュースを見てムカデ人間のアイデアを思いついたくらいだから、彼にとってドンピシャリの展開である。「ムカデ人間は『100% Medically Accurate(医学的に正確)』なんですよ」と太鼓判を押したら、ビル・ボスも「ヨッシャ、やるか」とノリ気になり、かくして、前代未聞の刑務所改善計画、500人連結長大ムカデ人間構想は実行に移されるのであった。



今回のムカデ人間は『ムカデ人間 (2009)』においてハイター博士が考案したやり方をベースに、ドゥワイトが新アイデアを追加し、改良が施されている。進化型のムカデ人間だ。新たに特許出願中。


ビル・ボスの夢が叶うとき、世界は『Politically Incorrect(政治的にけしからん)』という名の未体験領域に突入するだろう。世界は昨日までの世界ではいられなくなるだろう。刑務所の運動場に出現した光景は、もはやこの世のものとは思われない。暴れ回る囚人たちはいまや一匹のムカデになった。誇り高いアメリカ国旗が大空に翻る。トム・シックスの高笑いが聞こえる。


Bill Boss: Gentlemen. Unleash.... hell!


The Human Centipede 3 (Final Sequence) (2015) trailer




またまたトム・シックスにヤラレたって思った。彼はファンを盛り上げるのが天才的にうまい。「こんどは500人!」「Politically Incorrect!」こんなシックスさんの煽りtweetを読んでいるうち、知らず知らずのうちに、一発芸的見せ物的な映画なのだろう、と私は思い込まされていた。



一発芸的な映画はいちど見れば十分だが、『ムカデ人間3 (2015)』は何度も何度も見たくなる。何度見ても笑える。この裏切られた感は『ムカデ人間 (2009)』を見たときと同じだ。だからたいへんうれしかった。

ムカデ人間 (2009)』のDVDに入っていたDeleted Scenesのあれ、「ハイター博士の喜びダンス」場面を思い出した。ビル・ボスとハイター博士は違うキャラだが、同じディーター・ラーザーが演じていて、似ている点が多くある。喜びダンスをやっていたハイター博士のキャラが、そのままビル・ボスのキャラなのではないか。つまり、シックス監督とラーザーさんにとって、ビル・ボスの方がより原型に近い、自分たちが思い描く真の狂人キャラなのかなと。ゆえに、この三部作はきちんとバランスが取れているなと思った。

じつをいうと、私は「Politically Incorrect」というtaglineに嫌な予感をしていた。私は政治ネタのお笑いってのを好きじゃないのである。政治的な主張をしたいなら政治家になればいいじゃん。そっち方向にいくなーって思った。しかし、映画を見たらば、そんな心配はまったくの杞憂だった。これは確かに「Politically Incorrect」である。そして大笑いできるよ。







Tom Six: Oh man, this is so wrong!



電撃チャックさん + てんぐちんさんのレビューも


to Tom Six and all other people who created #THC3

Tom Six is geneus. He knows what art is. #THC3 is excatly what I wanted to see. It is perfect. Tom Six is my role model. He's my mentor. I want to become creative like he is. I've been learning from him a lot. He inspires me a lot. It is good for me. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to learn. Couldn't thank more.


ムカデ人間3 (2)

ムカデ人間3 (3)

ムカデ人間3 (4)

ムカデ人間3 (5)

ムカデ人間3 (6)

ムカデ人間3 (7)

Memorable Quotes

Daisy: Bill doesn't like when things are more insane than he is.

Bill Boss: Try to make him touch your ass so we can sue his ass for sexual harassment!

Bill Boss: Shut up! You, timber nigger! Uh-huh. Uh! Guantanamo Style XXL!
prisoner: Fuck you, you Nazi!
Bill Boss: Boiling water boarding! By Bill Boss! Eyes for eyes! Teeth for teeth! Yeah! Times 100!
prisoner: You lost your soul, William Boss.

Bill Boss: Fuck yourself! You imbecile, communist, zombie cunt. Nobody insults me like that. I'll stuff your baggy homosexual shithole with Cuban Cigars up to your throat! Don't mess with Bill Boss!
Daisy: I did everything I could, I swear to God!
Dwight Butler: Please, Boss, will you just listen to my idea?
Bill Boss: Shut the fuck up! Fuck the sissy psychological leadership bullshit! My leadership balls are atom bombs! A 100 megatons each! I'll teach him leadership! I'll do what I wanted to do since ages! Castrate them all!
Dwight Butler: No, it won't work! Besides it's permanent!
Bill Boss: Send the cockroaches to the yard!
Dwight Butler: But it's 120 degrees outside! That's irresponsible!
Bill Boss: Great. Let the pork roast!

Bill Boss: Castration will return all of you back into society as sweet, harmless, submissive pussy schnitzels. And the winner is Our awesome tattoo wasp! Sister prisoner 297! Congrats! Take him to the special cell! Enjoy your sunbath!

Bill Boss: Bring these little fuckers to the cook! I want 'em medium rare for lunch!

Inmate 297: You took them, that's okay. I don't need them. When I get loose I'm gonna find some barb wire and I'm gonna fuck you in the ass with it. And then I'm gonna dig up your German Nazi parents and I'm gonna fucking rape them too. Sieg heil, motherfucker!

Bill Boss: I'll kill this creature twice! I do not accept this heat!

Dwight Butler: I have been trying to tell you for days now. I have the answer to all our problems! We've got to make a human centipede of our prisoners. Sewn ass to mouth sharing one digestive system. No more prison fights, no more assaults on guards, no more disrespect. They will literally be on their knees begging for your mercy and it's the ultimate deterrent for those considering a career in crime. It's brilliant! We don't gotta to deal with their shit no more. They just gotta deal with each other's.
Bill Boss: What? That B movie shit? Impossible!
Dwight Butler: No! It is possible. That's why I let Daisy make an appointment with Mr. Tom Six creator of these films. He claims that it's 100% medically accurate!
Bill Boss: The man is still in his potty stage. A poop infatuated toddler. You call him now and tell him I don't speak with a stupid filmmaker about his poop fetish!
Dwight Butler: Fine then, we'll get fired!
Bill Boss: You.. are fired! Right now!
Dwight Butler: You know, Bill Boss, I used to look up to you. I used to idol-worship you. I worked 10 years for you and I grew this stupid mustache to look like you. But I know what you are. You are a sadistic, vile, asshole.
Bill Boss: Get out of my face. You malignant midget! I just saved your fuckin' life! I hate.. Human beings!

Bill Boss: This is a historical moment. This is beyond medieval torture! Beyond castration! The ultimate correction nationwide!

Akihiro Kitamura: This trash occupies a world where the stars don't shine!

Bill Boss: The world's first prison-human centipede will finally teach you how to become humans.

Bill Boss: I can't wait to see your pure agony!

Bill Boss: Gentlemen. Unleash.... hell!

Bill Boss: Death rape, death rape, rape, rape, rape! Eyes for eyes! Teeh for teeth! Get the fucking scum on their fucking knees! On your fucking knees! On your fucking fucking knees! Get the fucking scum on their fucking knees! on their fucking fucking fucking knees! HAHAHAHA!

Bill Boss: I'll explain. This spectacular operation only once. We start with injections into the ligamenta patellae. Paralyzing the ligaments of your kneecaps. So knee-extension is no longer possible. Your lips and anuses are cut circular along the border between skin and mucous-cutaneous zone. Then we combine those circular mucosa and skin parts of anus and mouth creating a human centipede connected via your gastric systems. Gentlemen. Put them to sleep.

Bill Boss: Yeah, your whining makes my dick even harder! Revenge is so sweet. Take it into your sleep.

Bill Boss: Take it fucking personally!

Bill Boss: Beaten up women make me so horny.

Bill Boss: I'll make you squirt even in a coma.

Bill Boss: I want you to make sure that the world premiere of the first human-prison centipede is guaranteed to take place the moment our communist governor appears at the gate to destroy us!

Bill Boss: Thank God for Africa! Thank God for female circumsision!

Dwight Butler: May I offer you a genuine Dominican Republic cigar?
Bill Boss: I only smoke Cuban cigars best in the world. No! Just kidding. After having seen the miracle of the first human-prison centipede I'll never again touch a communistic cigar from Cuba because you, Sir William Boss you are the new American hero. You are in the Hall of Fame with George Patton, Neil Armstrong and Muhammad Ali. Thanks to you, our glorious nation will be the example to the world again. A proud, safe nation with hardly any crime. Your idea, Sir William is of absolute genius. You will be honored personally by the President of the United States of America.
Dwight Butler: Actually, it was my accountant Mr. Dwight Butler, it was his brilliant idea.
Bill Boss: Oh, yeah. You did it. You fucking fucking did it.

Bill Boss: I don't want anyone liking this!
Tom Six: Oh man, this is so wrong!

Bill Boss: My hands are shaking with excitement! What about you, Six? Having a hard-on? Look at this. Oh, yeah, oh.. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Six, I am gonna show you some Human Centipede improvement. Copyright, Bill Boss. Follow me!

Bill Boss: Wait and wonder, wait and see! Mr. Dwighty!

Bill Boss: Perfect! We are ready for the cunt!

Governor Hughes: Attached? Attached? A-T-T-A-C-H-E-D, attached? What does that mean?
Bill Boss: Wait and see.
Governor Hughes: your ass must get jealous.
Bill Boss: Great, governor, I love that.

Bill Boss: Digestion in progress! No, it's not halal. It's not kosher! A Jew behind a Muslim. A Muslim behind a Jew! A Republican behind a Mexican. A crip behind a blood. Peace on earth. Good will to men.

Bill Boss: We can even save more money if we attach them in a circle like a perpetuum mobile. Feces going round and round. Food isn't needed anymore. Only cheap liquid and vitamin injections.

Bill Boss: The human caterpiller! For the lifetime convicts and our friends on death row. is that a deterrent? HAHAHAHA!

Governor Hughes: This is exactly what America needs! This may even get me elected president. You've convince me. It's genius. Don't change a goddamn thing. My pals in DC, they won't believe their near-sighted eyeballs.
Dwight Butler: Yep, my idea!
Bill Boss: Absolutely right, Dwight. You're indeed a genius. You came up with the idea. You deserve every credit. Give me a hug, Dwighty!





ホラー映画 :: 洋画』の最近のエントリ

原題: The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)
別題: A Centopéia Humana 3
Az emberi százlábú 3
Cilveku Simtkajis 3
A Centopeia Humana III
Ljudska stonoga 3
Чeловеческая многоножка 3
邦題(カタカナ): 『ムカデ人間3』
制作年: 2015年
制作国: アメリカ
公開日: 2015年5月22日 (アメリカ) (limited)
2015年6月24日 (オーストラリア)
2015年7月4日 (イギリス) (Mayhem Film Festival)
2015年7月10日 (イギリス)
2015年8月22日 (日本)
2015年10月30日 (スペイン) (Madrid premiere)
imdb.com: imdb.com :: The Human Centipede III (Final Sequence)
視覚効果(Visual Effects)
特殊効果(Special Effects)

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